Welcome to the enteles Search website

Welcome to the enteles Search blog!

Our intention is to create a true community amongst our clients and candidates. A place where you can ask us questions about anything at all, be that around the process of finding a job, maybe establishing specific points as they relate to a role that you may be interested in or even just a chat about your own career and where you should go next.

Please do take the time to read through the content on the site and don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via any of the usual mediums.

We really do look forward to working with you in the future and helping you to make 2020 the most successful year for you yet.

Kind Regards.

James and Chris.

The Benefits of Diversity in Security

The Importance of Diversity within Security Teams

In today's interconnected world, the importance of diversity within security teams cannot be overstated. A diverse workforce brings a wealth of perspectives, experiences, and skills...
The Impact of Illegal Mining on Global Security and Safety

The Threat of Illegal Mining on Global Security and Safety

The impact of illegal miners and mine operations on the industry has long been a topic of concern. However, as the global market expands and...
The Experts’ Top Tips for Transitioning to the Private Sector

The Experts’ Top Tips for Transitioning to the Private Sector

Embarking on a career transition from government service into the private sector can be both exciting and challenging, presenting a unique set of both opportunities...
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