‘enteles Talks’ with Peter Driscoll


We are really excited to launch a series of short podcasts that are we calling ‘enteles talks’.

We will be talking with a range of people from the security and investigative world and we will do our best to make them compelling listening! For the inaugural episode, it seemed appropriate to speak with someone that had also made a new start.

Peter Driscoll was kind enough to give up some of his time, to provide us with an insight into how he made the move to JP Morgan from the Navy and provided some great hints and tips for those that hope to do the same. We are seeing a real uptick in positive conversations with our clients, as they emerge from the challenges of the last quarter and start to look ahead. Companies are definitely hiring, so work on your CV and LinkedIn profile and get ready to take your career to the next level.

So, please take a listen to the podcast – we hope you find it useful and motivating!

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